Hash Set

Implements a simple hash set on top of a hash table.


hash-set:make key-hash key=? #!optional initial-size

Creates a new hash set. For example:

(define hs (hash-set:make equal-hash-mod equal?))
;Value: hs

(hash-set:add! hs "hello")
;Unspecified return value

(hash-set:add! hs "world")
;Unspecified return value

(hash-set:contains? hs "hello")
;Value 3856: "hello"

(hash-set:contains? hs "world")
;Value 3857: "world"

(hash-set:contains? hs "oops")
;Value: #f

hash-set:add! set obj

Adds a new object to the hash-set. If the object is already present, it will be re-inserted without creating a duplicate.

hash-set:contains? set obj

hash-set->list set

Scheme Power Tools Documentation
(c) Maciej Pacula 2010-2011